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Seven Laws of Prayer in 8 languages
Other > E-books
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french polish Italian the bible dutch nederlands english spanish german russia

May 7, 2013

1. The Lawof a Pure Heart 

"Let us draw near ... having our heartssprinkled from an  evil
conscience..." (HEB 10:22). God's first condition is that my heart 
must be pure. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lordwill 
not hear me" (PSA 66:18).

2. The Lawof a Forgiving Spirit 

"And when ye stand  praying, forgive, ifye have ought against
any..."  (MK 11:25).  This is a condition for getting your 
prayers answered.

3. The Lawof the Right Motive

"Ye ask, and receive not, because ye  ask  amiss, thatye may 
consume it upon your lusts." (JAM 4:3)

4. The Lawof Faith 
"Let him askin  faith,  nothing wavering..."  (JAM 1:6). Weymouth translates this as: "Let him... have no doubts."Faith is indispensable if we want  to 
receive answers to our prayers, for "without faith it is impossible 
toplease him." (HEB 11:6). However, when there is faith, God 
works miracles

5. PrayAccording to the Will of 

"If weask any thing according tohis will, he heareth us"  (1.JN 
5:14). Everything depends on this. First we have to find out 
God's will, and we have to pray according to His will. Without 
knowing God's will it is impossible to have faith that moves 

6. Praying in the Name of Jesus 

Jesus said:  "If ye shallask anything in my name, I will do
it." (JN 14:14). What a promise! 
But what does it mean, to ask in  the Name ofJesus? 
Something much deeper than some people think. It is not a 
matter of quoting a formula. 
This cannot achieve a result. A formula can be on our lips, but 
have no meaning whatsoever.

7. Praying in the HolySpirit 

"Prayingin the  Holy  Ghost"(JUDE 20)is the secret of every 
victorious  prayer. It is impossible to ask in faith if we 
are not controlled and inspired by the Holy Ghost. The Holy 
Spirit is the only one who can give faith; He is the only one 
who knows what Jesus wants, the  only one who can reveal 
the will of God.